Monday, May 19


Well how is everyone? Are you making it through May? I know we are barely hanging in there. Between end of school stuff (for all of us, that is what happens when even Bill and I are in education), Baseball, etc. CRAZY.

And ofcourse, not to mention all the Season Finale's, AMERICAN IDOL (go David Cook), Survivor (poor James!), NBA basketball, Oh my where would we be without TIVO!

And then there is WII! Yes, my family is addicted and now with the Mario Cart (which I totally blame on Becky Bray) way cool. I just can't wait to get my WII fitness to hopefully make up for all the hours spent on Mario Cart. :)

Anyway, just wanted to say hi and that yes I am still alive. It was great seeing a lot of you at Bookclub Sunday and can't wait to see more on Tuesday night.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you finished Mario Kart yet? I've almost beat the game. Just two more trophies and I'm done.

I'll be buying Wii Fitness, too. I can't wait!
