Tuesday, July 1

37 things before 38

So today was my 37th B-day. And it was great. Woke up to breakfast made by my children and roses left from Bill CAN'T have a bad day when it starts like that.

So while surfing the net awhile back I came across a list someone made of things to do before their next B-day. I thought it was a great idea so I have been working on mine. Here goes...
1) do a guerrilla art
2) Go Snow skiing again
3) Take Wyatt to NASA
4) Have dinner at Rancho Loma
5) Go Camping
6) Pray in Color
7) Write a letter to my future self
8) Learn how to REALLY swim
9) Have family pictures taken
10) get away with Bill
11) a homemade Christmas
12) Read Exodus (my mom's fav novel)
13) take kids to zoo
14) scrapbook Disney
15) Learn photoshop
16) loose 15 lbs
17) do a Bible Study
18) re-connect with a long lost friend
19) Sponsor "a friend" on a walk
20) Clean my closet
21) create an Etsy shop
22) Host a Swap
23) commit to an exercise program
24) get a new camera
25) learn how to solder
26) submit work to be published
27) re-cover Bill's chair
28) play more with my kids
29) Learn how to make softies
30) Welcome a new family member
31) plan a family Reunion
32) "make-out" on the beach
33) See a Broadway show
34) find and photograph my great-grandmother's tea-cups
35) watch a sunrise with Bill
36) re-decorate my bedroom
37) take dance lessons

1 comment:

J. Page said...

Hope you had a great day! I was thinking of you. I made a list for this year, too, and I am looking forward to scrapbooking it. Mine is 31 things (sorry to rub it in:)). I am actually accomplishing the things on my list. It really does help to write it down! I also made a page of 30 things I know at 30 for last year. Love ya!